1 Peter 2:24

1 Peter 2:24

“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”  


We will be closed on Friday, April 2 in observance of Good Friday.
Matthew 21:7-9

Matthew 21:7-9

They brought the donkey & the colt & placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on. A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees & spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him & those that...


We received a nice amount of rain this week, heading into warmer temperatures next week.  
1 John 5:4

1 John 5:4

For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.