Harvest completed:

Bean harvest

Loading on the go

Bean Harvest

Making the turn

Bean Harvest

Bean Harvest

Staged & ready to go

Bean Harvest

Rain coming

End of the day of bean harvest

Harvesting beans by the Grain Center

Bean Harvest

Done with one field – ready to go to the next

Bean Harvest

Bean Harvest

End to harvesting beans for the week on to corn

Chisel at sunset

Dannie spraying

Sunrise to sunset striptilling

Fertilizer spreader

Aaron’s transportation from Grain Center to shop

Spencer driving tractor

Opening corn field

Pete waiting on a load of grain

Starting a new land

Corn Harvest

Corn Harvest

Unloading corn onto a truck

Unloading at Grain Center

Corn Harvest

Corn Harvest

Corn Harvest

Corn Harvest

Corn Harvest

Thanks to the Windsor students for providing snack bags to the harvest crew

Starting first corn bag of 2020

Corn Harvest

Corn Harvest

Spencer giving High “5” to the truck drivers coming to unload

Trucking waiting on a load of corn

End to the second week of Harvest