
Happy Easter!

Remembering the sacrifice Christ made for each of us.

Spraying weeds at Gingerich Farms

Ben spraying weeds

Burning corn stalks at Gingerich Farms

Seth burning corn stalks

Cleaning grain drill at Gingerich Farms

Tyler G. cleaning out grain drill

Planter at Gingerich Farms

Tyler K. & Jaden inspecting planter

Spraying at Gingerich Farms

Spraying has begun

Temperatures warmed up to 80 this week, which allowed us to plant a little.

Loading planter at Gingerich Farms

Loading the planter

Waiting for planter at Gingerich Farms

Excitement – waiting for the planter to arrive at the first field of the spring

Planting beans at Gingerich Farms

It arrived! Doing test with 30″ row planter vs 20″ rows

Planting beans at Gingerich Farms

Planting 30″ Beans

Bean planting at Gingerich Farms

Planting 20″ Beans

Planting beans at Gingerich Farms

Planting 20″ Beans

Bean planting at Gingerich Farms

Planting 20″ Beans